披頭士樂隊 The Beatles + 約翰·列儂 John Lennon 音樂合集 Discography (1963 – 2021) iTunes Plus AAC M4A

John Lennon、Paul McCartney、George Harrison 和 Ringo Starr,四個擁有音樂魔法的大男孩走到一起,成就了 The Beatles 的傳奇。1961 年,The Beatles 正式確定了自己的固定成員,從利物浦的小酒吧向更廣闊的天地進發。從《Please Please Me》到《Rubber Soul》,一系列大獲成功的專輯,將他們推上世界樂壇巨星的寶座,也讓 The Beatles 熱潮在 60 年代中期席捲全球。在那之後,他們開始大膽嘗試實驗和迷幻風格,不斷探索音樂的邊界,改變着流行音樂。1970 年,樂隊的解散讓無數樂迷扼腕嘆息。在短短十年間,The Beatles 在英國本土推出了十二張錄音室專輯,他們的每一個奇思妙想都震撼着整個樂壇,為一代又一代音樂人指引着創作道路。

披頭士樂隊 The Beatles 作品目錄
1963 - Please Please Me
1964 - A Hard Day's Night
1964 - Beatles For Sale
1965 - Help!
1965 - Rubber Soul
1966 - Revolver
1967 - Magical Mystery Tour
1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe Edition)
1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Super Deluxe Edition)
1968 - The Beatles (White Album)
1968 - The Beatles (White Album) [Super Deluxe]
1969 - Abbey Road
1970 - Let It Be
1970 - Let It Be... Naked
1973 - The Beatles 1962–1966 (The Red Album)
1973 - The Beatles 1967–1970 (The Blue Album)
2009 - Past Masters, Vols. 1 & 2
2009 - Please Please Me
2009 - With The Beatles
2011 - Anthology 1
2011 - Anthology 2
2011 - Anthology 3
2011 - Anthology Highlights
2011 - LOVE
2012 - Tomorrow Never Knows
2012 - Yellow Submarine Songtrack
2013 - Live at the BBC
2013 - On Air - Live at the BBC, Vol. 2
2013 - The Beatles Bootleg Recordings 1963
2014 - The U.S. Albums
2015 - 1 (2015 Version)
2016 - Live at the Hollywood Bowl
2019 - Abbey Road (2019 Mix)
2019 - Abbey Road (Super Deluxe Edition)
2021 - Let It Be (Super Deluxe)

約翰·列儂 John Lennon 作品目錄
1970 - Plastic Ono Band (Remastered)
1971 - Imagine (Remastered)
1972 - Sometime In New York City (Live) (Remastered)
1973 - Mind Games (Remastered)
1974 - Walls and Bridges (Remastered)
1975 - Rock 'n' Roll (Remastered)
1980 - Double Fantasy (Remastered)
1984 - Milk and Honey (Remastered)
1997 - Lennon Legend The Very Best of John Lennon (Remastered)
2003 - John Lennon Plastic Ono Band (Remastered)
2010 - Double Fantasy Stripped Down (iTunes LP) (Remastered)
2010 - Home Tapes (Remastered)
2010 - Power to the People - The Hits (iTunes LP) (Remastered)
2010 - Signature Box (Remastered)
2018 - Imagine (The Ultimate Collection)
2020 - GIMME SOME TRUTH. (Deluxe Edition)


1965 - Help!
1965 - The Beatles
1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remix)
1969 - Abbey Road(Remastered)
1996 - Anthology Highlights
2009 - Past Masters, Vols. 1 & 2
2011 - Anthology 1
2011 - Anthology 2
2011 - Anthology 3
2015 - 1 (2015 Version)
2021 - Let It Be (2021 Mix)
2021 - The Beatles - Let It Be (Super Deluxe)

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