電台司令 Radiohead 音樂合集 Discography (1992-2021) iTunes Plus AAC M4A

成立於 1985 年的英國搖滾樂隊 Radiohead,從 David Bowie 和 Pink Floyd 等處繼承了實驗及探索的搖滾精神。1992 年的出道單曲《Creep》一鳴驚人,Johnny Greenwood 充滿抑揚頓挫的大段吉他演奏,與主唱 Thom Yorke 的陰鬱唱腔,編織出搖滾樂史上不可磨滅的經典樂章。時值 brit-pop 如日中天的 1990 年代中後期,Radiohead 推出《The Bends》和《OK Computer》專輯,向另類搖滾演進的複雜編曲風格,對現代社會有所討論的主題,讓他們在受眾與業界皆獲得了高度評價。2000 年代的《Kid A》和《Amnesiac》兩張專輯中,Radiohead 的風格產生戲劇性的變化,融合了電子、新古典、爵士等曲風。

1993 - Pablo Honey
1995 - The Bends
1997 - OK Computer
2000 - Kid A
2001 - Amnesiac
2001 - I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings
2003 - Hail to the Thief
2007 - In Rainbows
2007 - In Rainbows (Bonus Album)
2008 - The Best Of Radiohead [Special Edition]
2009 - Amnesiac (Collector's Edition)
2009 - Hail to the Thief (Collector's Edition)
2009 - Kid A (Collector's Edition)
2009 - OK Computer (Collector's Edition)
2009 - Pablo Honey (Collector's Edition)
2009 - The Bends (Collector's Edition)
2011 - The King of Limbs
2012 - OK Computer (Deluxe Version)
2016 - A Moon Shaped Pool
2017 - OK Computer OKNOTOK 1997

1992 - Creep - EP
1992 - Drill - EP
1993 - Anyone Can Play Guitar - Single
1994 - My Iron Lung - EP
1995 - Fake Plastic Trees - Single
1995 - High & Dry Planet Telex - EP
1995 - Just - Single
1996 - Street Spirit (Fade Out) - EP
1996 - Talk Show Host (Nellee Hooper Mix) - Sin
1997 - Karma Police - EP
1997 - Paranoid Android - EP
1998 - Airbag _ How Am I Driving_ - EP
1998 - No Surprises - Single
2000 - Treefingers (Extended Version) - Single
2001 - Knives Out - EP
2001 - Pyramid Song - EP
2003 - COM LAG (2plus2isfive)
2005 - I Want None of This - Single
2008 - The Gloaming (The 33.33333 Remix) - Single
2009 - Harry Patch (In Memory Of) - Single
2011 - The Daily Mail _ Staircase - Single
2011 - Tkol Rmx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2011 - TKOL RMX 8 - Single
2016 - Burn the Witch - Single
2016 - Daydreaming - Single
2016 - Spectre - Single
2016 - Supercollider The Butcher - Single
2016 - These Are My Twisted Words - Single
2019 - Ill Wind - Single


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